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Amanda Winder
Dec 29, 20226 min read
Picking Up Principles of Hope on the Pathway
On November 8th, I had a vision. I followed Holy Spirit and an angel into a giant building and then down a long hallway. I didn't know...

Amanda Winder
Nov 3, 20223 min read
The Resistance & Hope
When I was 19-years-old, Holy Spirit taught me the importance of asking a question. He would say, “Toss your question out into the...

Amanda Winder
Jun 20, 20213 min read
Right Where I'm Supposed to Be
Over the past week or so my soul has been pushing me to cave and capitulate. I hear my thoughts. I feel my emotions. And they… They have...

Amanda Winder
Aug 31, 20192 min read
Doubtful Disbelief
“Stop what you’re doing!”… That’s what doubt and disbelief scream at me. “Stop what you’re doing and don’t move forward because you’re a...

Amanda Winder
Mar 15, 20192 min read
Without the Idol
I discovered a fear embedded deep within me. I discovered a fear embedded deep within me and it has to go. It has to go because I need to...

Amanda Winder
Nov 18, 20181 min read
The Deadly Seed
“Fear is just a lie running out of breath…” That’s what my best friend said to me a few weeks ago. She actually said it with such...

Amanda Winder
May 7, 20182 min read
Doubtful Focus
It’s funny.. The Lord has never failed me in what He’s spoken to my heart, yet I still doubt what He says is to come. You see He has a...

Amanda Winder
Dec 12, 20173 min read
Imaginary Life...
As God has continued to truly leave me somewhat stumped on where He’s leading me, I’ve had to make a conscious effort to remain...

Amanda Winder
Feb 15, 20171 min read
Broken Comfort Zone..
Do you ever have those moments when you just want to shake life? Like literally pick it up shake it around and question why it’s acting...

Amanda Winder
Feb 7, 20172 min read
Outrun by Fear?...
Why do we fear?… Why do we so casually choose to cultivate a heart of fear, rather than choose to cultivate a heart of love?… I do this...

Amanda Winder
Feb 3, 20172 min read
Alone and Lied To...
Since the age of 6, I’ve struggled with one core thing… The fear of being alone… Deep within the core of me, I began to believe a lie…...

Amanda Winder
Jan 17, 20172 min read
I Don't Know...
I don’t know… I don’t know where life is taking me… And, in my opinion, none of us truly do… But, aside from not knowing where life is...

Amanda Winder
Jan 5, 20161 min read
Curve Ball...
When we live… When we just live… Moment by moment… A lot of times curve balls come out of nowhere… Or so it seems… And right now… Well a...

Amanda Winder
Jun 17, 20151 min read
Bye Fear...
It’s ok to feel afraid… Right?… To know that there’s so much in front of me… But then to not know the details… But I can certainly feel a...

Amanda Winder
Nov 23, 20142 min read
Fear on a Plane
Fear… such an interesting state of mind… Such an interesting emotion… The things it can do… The lengths it can drive us too… And it...

Amanda Winder
Nov 14, 20142 min read
Crossing the Speed Bump
And then the speed bump causes unnecessary chaos…. And I’m left wondering… Why do I even bother worrying?… Worrying always takes me to a...

Amanda Winder
Nov 13, 20142 min read
Another Speed Bump Ahead
Moving forward… moving forward… moving forward… Bam…. all of a sudden a moment of stress hits me… a moment where I have to choose to let...

Amanda Winder
Oct 10, 20142 min read
The Real Payoff...
In this moment I find myself panicking over money… for no reason of course…. for no reason at all… other than it’s something to be...
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