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Amanda Winder
Jan 34 min read
Alright, Let's Get Up and Go!
2025 is officially here. My soul feels a little bit of fear and trepidation about stepping even a toe-length into it. Because I am...

Amanda Winder
Mar 12, 20234 min read
My Soul's Brief Visit with Depression
My soul has been drifting really close to depression land lately. My soul doesn’t feel completely hopeless, but it is experiencing...
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Amanda Winder
Feb 19, 20233 min read
The Dirty Dance of Procrastination
In December, I received an assignment and due date from Holy Spirit. He said, “Take all of the material and revelation I’ve given you...
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Amanda Winder
Feb 12, 20233 min read
My Soul's Need for Greater Capacity
The more my spirit grows with Holy Spirit, the more my soul feels like it gets lost in the weeds some. I find myself sitting with Holy...

Amanda Winder
Jan 10, 20223 min read
Onward & Upward: Pressing Past the Soul
I am weary, God. I am very weary. I don't enjoy this process of maturity that asks me to keep climbing upwards. It is a high peak where...

Amanda Winder
Oct 24, 20213 min read
Designed to Submit
Last night, as I was getting out of the shower, I heard “War will be waged tomorrow. Prepare for war.” So, I stopped all other thoughts...

Amanda Winder
Mar 29, 20213 min read
Weary for Nothing
"Ew... You're whining and complaining again Amanda!! Remember, we've outgrown this place. And I know it's challenging to understand where...

Amanda Winder
Mar 21, 20212 min read
This is Who I Am
I sat down to pout. I sat down to sulk. I sat down to complain about how frustrated I felt. And then… All in one moment… I stopped...

Amanda Winder
Jul 9, 20201 min read
Sometimes No
Following the Holy Spirit can be simple… Following the Holy Spirit can be fun… Following the Holy Spirit can be a...

Amanda Winder
Nov 16, 20191 min read
Quit... Today?
I thought about quitting today. I told God, “I can’t do this anymore.” Actually… I’ve been telling Him that for a few weeks now. “I don’t...

Amanda Winder
Jun 27, 20191 min read
Kingdom of Lies
Lies… Deception… Manipulation… Layers upon layers rest upon my soul. And so my soul feels confused. But then, my soul doesn’t want a...

Amanda Winder
May 26, 20192 min read
One of my favorite movies is about a man hired to use a dream machine to plant an idea into the mind of another man… It’s called...

Amanda Winder
May 20, 20192 min read
A Decade in the Making
Okay… Today, I hit the decade mark of losing 100 lbs! So… What does it mean to me to look at the girl on the left, the young woman on the...

Amanda Winder
May 5, 20191 min read
What Gives God?
How can I confidently stand firm on God and His words and His promises when I have days like yesterday? Moments where I feel impatient...

Amanda Winder
Feb 5, 20192 min read
How Did I Get Here?
Last night I sat at a cabaret performance… Which is generally not my chosen cup of tea. And… All in one moment I began to think, “How did...

Amanda Winder
Dec 27, 20181 min read
End the Anger
Anger has been coursing through my veins lately… And while I do realize that the anger is only really harming me, I don’t want to make...

Amanda Winder
Nov 18, 20181 min read
The Deadly Seed
“Fear is just a lie running out of breath…” That’s what my best friend said to me a few weeks ago. She actually said it with such...

Amanda Winder
Oct 21, 20181 min read
Look Up
Do you ever have those days where you keep looking down? You know the ones where you focus on the bad… On the things you don’t have and...

Amanda Winder
Aug 5, 20182 min read
Why is it so challenging to admit how we really feel on the inside? Why does it feel like a battle to express that we don’t like who we...

Amanda Winder
Jul 31, 20181 min read
What If?
Why is it that as we get closer to the things of the Lord doubt beings to slip in? It’s like there are all these years of following and...
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