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On the Growth Track with Others

Lately my growth has been very interesting. I’d say the most pressing thing Holy Spirit has been challenging me to grow in is my ability to be patient in my relationship with the growth of others. I keep finding myself miles down the spiritual path I am paving with Him only for Him to say, “Okay, now be patient for a moment. You are paving a path, but this is a caravan. In a caravan we don’t leave anyone behind. Everyone is going at their own speed. Each person is progressively following the growth track I have them on. Be patient. Be kind.


Mainly, do not become offended or annoyed with the immaturity and speed of others.


You were once that immature in your cultivation track too. You were once in a place where refinement took longer than it does today. You understand that development and growth take time. It takes effort to get to know Me and My ways. After all, you are still cultivating life as well. So, develop, grow, and mature into being okay with the progression of the growth track of others. Even if it takes more time than you’d like because I sent you ahead.”


Knowing deep down that He’s right, I asked, “How does one make sure they are on a sure-fire track to maturity?”


He said, “Continue to meet with Me. Not with books, podcasts, and the voices of others… But with Me. You must continue to meet with Me daily if you want to mature into all that I have for you. Your level of refinement, development, growth, and maturity is majorly stunted when you don’t meet with Me on the daily and check in with Me frequently throughout the day. Our relationship is centerpiece. It is the most assured connection that will help you transition from one season to the next.


Yes, it is important to absorb what others teach, but don’t allow it to be your bread and butter. Don’t allow it to become the center point of who you are. Don’t allow it to define you. Within our relationship together, I continue to help define and refine you into all that I’ve created you to be. Straight down into the depths of your human spirit, I help you pull the essence and the life-force of who you are out so that you may mature into all you need to become.


You want to feel less annoyed and offended by the immaturity of others? Then really lean into Me more so that I can mature YOU more. You need more growth and maturity so that you don’t feel the weight of the immaturity of others.


There is a place inside of Me that can see the reality of all of this so clearly. There is a place inside of Me where you are maturing into this. Pursue this place with all that you have. Press yourself into this place with vigor and passion because you need it and it needs you. Your spirit knows this place well. Your spirit is so familiar with this place, but your soul isn’t.


You see it is your soul and heart that are frustrated with the immaturity of others. Your soul learns from your spirit. Your soul and heart grow with your spirit. They pick up on what Me and your spirit are teaching them. You need to lean into Me and your spirit on a deeper level so that your soul and heart and even your body can learn how to navigate immaturity and maturity better.


Remember what I told you about the soul?... When you spend time with Me, your soul begins to learn. It absorbs principles and truths from Me that it didn’t know before. Then your soul is left with the reality of those truths, feeling the reality of the refinement, development, growth, and maturity it has gained. However, once you step back from Me… Once your spirit is at bay and your soul is forward on its own, it is susceptible to great frustration from the growth track of others. The soul has a challenging time grappling with the reality that others haven’t gained what it has gained in time with Me.


So, it is important to continue to lean into Me… Spending time with Me. So that then your soul can mature to a level where it is able to navigate the growth of others without becoming annoyed or offended. You do not need an annoyed or offended heart or soul. You need to work in unison with them because you must continue to pave the path in front of you.”


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